Monday, June 28, 2010

what a piece of shit this guy is...

News of Sen. Robert Byrd’s (D-WV) death has been met with an outpouring of reverence for his distinguished career, with even political opponents, like Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), praising Byrd’s “remarkable life” and “devotion to the U.S. Constitution.” But Steve Forbes, CEO of Forbes Inc. and perennial GOP presidential candidate, celebrated Byrd’s death, declaring that it was “good news” for those opposed to Wall Street reform:

Byrd’s death does indeed imperil the final passage of financial reform bill, but Forbes could show a little more respect by hiding his glee at the prospect of his Wall Street friends getting off the hook. The major threat to the bill comes from Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA), who has threatened to vote against the measure, even though he secured a special deal and has been supportive thus far. Forbes is a co-chair of the corporate-funded astroturf group FreedomWorks, which helped Brown win his seat in January. (HT: Wonkette)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah that was messed up. No respect whatsoever.
